my son- rowan xavier

its hard to believe im a dad! well except at 330 in the morning when im up giving him a bottle! even with the sleepless nights i couldn't be happier. my wife has turned into super mom. every time i turn around she has something new for him she has made! he will be a loved and spoiled boy for sure. we are so grateful for all the love and support we have received from family and friends. we are truly in awe at how amazing the people in our lives are. we are blessed beyond what we deserve! 

    we took these pics in our spare bedroom when the light was just perfect. rowan did a pretty good job and didn't get to upset. the first two are my favorite pictures we got. I love his face in the first one and his hair. The second one just shows how much he loves his mom already. he was about to cry so she reached out and put a hand on him and he calmed right down. I got lucky and captured that special moment! i hope you enjoy the newborn pictures but dont get any ideas i wont be taking on any more new born shoots. ( just not my passion)