skagway alaska bridals on film

last september i was lucky enough to fly out to alaska to take engagements and bridal pictures! i decided i wanted to give film a try so i purchased a canon EOS-1. i went with that camera because it fit all my current lenses and it would be easy and familiar for me. i had no idea how the pics would turn out it being my first attempt at film ever! i have to say it was pretty fun shooting film and hearing the noise of the camera. i can now understand a little better why so many photographers love shooting film. it was also exciting getting the film back. made me wish i hadn't waited almost a year to get it developed!! i was so inspired i tried shooting it again last night for fun during a bridal session here in utah.  as always i would love to know what you think! should i shoot more film or stick to digital?! (side not: these are all straight out of the camera with ZERO editing)