oregon coast bridals

In preparation for my upcoming work shop with Donny Zavala Photography on the Oregon Coast, I flew out to Oregon to take some promotional images! ( Workshop Info!)  We had a great team that helped us style the bride and the Oregon Coast is simply stunning! I can’t wait to get back there and shoot again. This shoot made me so excited for the wedding photography workshop in Aug! It was my first time shooting in Oregon and it made me want to move there! I could really get used to shooting brides on the rocky ocean coast as the sun sets!

  This was also my first time shooting Medium Format film! I recently purchased a Pentax 645n with a MF 75m 2.8 lens. I have to admit shooting film is pretty fun! I have yet to decide if I will keep shooting it though. When you shoot film you have to add in a lot of expenses and to be completely honest I am still partial to the look of my digital work. Maybe my film shots will be as good as my digital someday. I’ll just have to wait and see. I posted my digital shots first and the film shots are at the end. Please let me know what you think of the two! Your feed back is welcomed! 

Dress - clairelafaye.com

Bouquet- ponderosaandthyme.com

Model- @nessa_meade musemodels.com

Hair&Makeup- austieeckley.com

Jewelry- byangeline.com

Ok now the Film Shots! All shot on a Pentax645n MF 75mm 2.8 on Fuji400